Rabobank (IPB) Undergraduate Scholarship Academic Year 2010/2011

Rabu, 28 Juli 2010 , Posted by infocpns at 05.36

Rabobank, a leading bank in the world in food and agribusiness sector, providing scholarships to the IPB must clearly indicate Rabobank’s commitment to contribute to the development of agriculture sector in Indonesia, one of which is to improve the quality of education. Rabobank Undergraduate Scholarships to prioritize the need for financial support as well as evaluating achievements during high school and the first months of college in selecting candidates.

Rabobank Indonesia provide 5 (five) scholarships IPB S1 for new students 2010/2011 academic year from one department in the faculty of the following:
  1. Agriculture
  2. Agricultural Technology
  3. Economics & Management

These scholarships include:
Cost of fees and allowances for living expenses, book costs and the costs of research in order during the writing of 4 (four) years, or 8 (eight) semesters (conditions apply)

Registration requirements:
  • Indonesian Citizen
  • Has an average rating of at least 8.0 National Examination results
  • Derived from underprivileged families evidenced by a certificate of less capable than lurah / district accompanied by evidence of electricity bill
  • Submitting the application form fully completed
  • Proficient in English
  • Attach a photocopy of a valid identity card and passport photo size 4 x 6 color
  • Not currently receiving other scholarship
  • Willing to comply with all regulations imposed by the Rabobank Indonesia relationship with this scholarship program

Registration procedures:
Send registration form along with supporting documents no later than August 13, 2010 to:

Rabobank Indonesia
UP: Corporate Marketing & Communications Division
Plaza 89
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-7 No.6
Jakarta 12940


Direktorat Kemahasiswaan Institut Pertanian Bogor
Gedung Rektorat Andi Hakim Nasoetion Lt.1
Kampus IPB Darmaga Bogor
Registration form can be downloaded at http://www.rabobank.co.id/download form
Agricultural University